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Free next-day shipping at $150 for caviar orders & $300 for seafood orders!
What Are the Health Benefits of Caviar?

What Are the Health Benefits of Caviar?


We historically associate fish and fish oil with health but what about fish eggs? What are the health benefits of caviar? Is caviar healthy?

According to a few sources,caviar has  health benefits from protein, fat, and vitamin B12 (Lang, Healthline, 2021). Specifically, caviar has omega 3 fatty acids, which help “ensuring the correct development of a wide variety of metabolic functions” (Lang, Healthline, 2021). Furthermore, a lack of Omega 3 compounds is “associated with cardiovascular disease, hypertension, depression, diabetes, poor development of the nervous system, reproductive systems, and inflammatory diseases” (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology, 2009). In fact, 1 gram of caviar tends to have a full day’s worth of Omega 3s (Global Seafoods, 2020). In addition to Omega 3s, caviar carries health benefits due to vitamin B12 (Global Seafoods, 2020). According to Global Seafoods journal, vitamin B12 helps our nervous system.

When examining the health benefits of caviar and fish roe, salmon caviar also known as ikura, came up often, most likely due to its abundance and popularity. With that said, ''the Japanese believe that ikura makes you very healthy and very smart,'' said Simon Zhang, (Moskin, NYT, 2003).

From personal use, we can say that Browne Trading staff, who eat caviar exponentially more than the average person, tend to have great skin. But maybe that is just from a low stress life, eating Maine seafood 😊.

Whether you eat caviar for the health benefits or just for taste, we hope you enjoy it fully.

*You should always consult your physician before making medical dietary changes, here are some findings from regarding the question.

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