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Caviar only orders ship free at $150. Seafood orders ship free at $300.
What Do Sturgeons Eat?

What Do Sturgeons Eat?

Browne proudly co-brands with caviar farms that only use high quality select feed. Due to sturgeons having a long life, especially before maturation, day-to-day feed and conditions must remain impeccable for high standard caviar.  Farms are careful to not over or under feed sturgeon to keep the fish as healthy as possible.

Giaveri Caviar Farm. Treviso, Italy.

Their diet is high in omega 3 fatty acids and largely uses fish flour made of krill, calamari, algae, and fish oil. Additionally, they have access to natural flora and fauna such as small crustaceans, insects, algae, native vegetation. Moreover, the feed is GMO free with a low feed conversion rate to prevent high nitrogen and phosphorous discharge; ultimately, lessening the environmental impact.  

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