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Free next-day shipping at $150 for caviar orders & $300 for seafood orders!
12-Gram Caviar Tins Now Available

12-Gram Caviar Tins Now Available

Ever want to try a caviar before fully committing to a larger purchase? We heard you - and finally, we have the perfect way to sample caviar… introducing our 12-gram sample sizes. These mini tins give you the perfect few bites to assess caviar. *Because the 12-gram caviar tins create a thin layer of caviar pearls, this size can offer a softer pearl than the same caviar in a larger size.

Caviar Size Options

When shopping for caviar, we have two philosophies for assessing size. The first philosophy recommends ordering the size to serve your crowd without spoiling. Once opened, caviar loses its freshness and does not keep well in the fridge past a few days. Therefore, if you feel unsure how much caviar to open in one gathering, we recommend using 2-3 smaller tins rather than 1 large one. This method allows you to keep tins closed and for future gatherings if you do not need to open all of them that night.

caviar tin sizes

Of course, the second philosophy says a large tin of caviar fits the celebratory event, no matter how much you move through in that sitting. Given caviar's roaring 20's nature, we certainly see special occasions where a large caviar tin is the main event and does an outstanding job of establishing a lavish ambiance.

How to Open Caviar Tins

We highly recommend having a caviar key on-hand for opening caviar tins. For the most stubborn tins, we find it best to turn the tin flat, upside down, and pry open with a key.

Browne Trading Caviar Key - Browne Trading Company

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